Sunday, December 30, 2012

What is FLIPPA ?

What is FLIPPA ?

 Flippa is an online marketplace which accommodates people who wanted to sell or buy websites and blogs. It is an online money making business in a different way. It provides an avenue for buyers and sellers to do business and Flippa gets the cut upon exchange.

Here are some things that you have to consider prior to posing any ad of your site on Flippa:

1.Ascertain that you are making money online with your site. The online money making capacity of your website is an essential factor for it to be sellable at the market. Your website should be getting revenues to at least 300 dollars a month and not less than 50 or else consider increasing your revenues first before listing to Adsense . Proof that your website is gaining is what matters most to most buyers aside from the traffic that they could get.

 2.Your site must have Google Analytics Record or Data. This data is very important to trace your revenues with the traffic that you get before a buyer could decide that it is worth for online money making. Six months analytics record is a good data to keep for your buyers to believe the traffic that you really get in your site. Sell website flippa

 3. Keep up with your trust rating. Trust ratings are equally important with the data because buyers will review your trust rating before putting up some bids. Build a good rating to gain success in this making money online venture. Verification of identity and linkages to your other social networking account would make it possible to increase your ratings.

 4.Take the auction length to a minimum of seven days. This way you will make the buyer feel the sense of urgency and would opt to set the bid in the earliest possible time. Putting auction on a longer period of time will make the possibility of sales dead and forgotten by viewers. Have all the courage to make money online at this slim phase of time.

 5.“Bidding open and reserve has been met” goal to keep in the auction. When this message is present in your auction, attracting buyers to your making money online business would be favorable. Thus, a low reserve or high minimum bid is a way to catch all that.

 6.BIN price should be reasonable enough. Do not put your possible buyer into a bidding war for setting unfavorable price for the online money making site you offer. Other sellers set unrealistic prices that would send potential buyers off the hook. Try to get opinion from others on how are you going to price your online money making site.

 7.Do not give a lengthy and pleading description of auction. Do not coat it with too much marketing words that may put-off the interest of buyers and think that your site is lousy that’s why you’re selling it.

 8.Be courteous in answering comments and give good reasons for selling. You may put the reason for selling right away in your auction but be ready to answer the question when asked. Courtesy is a must strategy in marketing.

 9.Call in potential and qualified buyers. To make money online has no limits and you may explore the possibility by getting direct potential buyers. Selling your website or blogs for making money online must be planned and prepared so that you won’t lose a single penny from the potential of getting a high bid. Keeping your auction at the homepage will get your marketing visibility.